Beyond Life 


Make a fusion

Of life and beyond life

And foes and companions

Scale companionship 

And learn the myriad ways 

This cycle goes on

Drench into streams

Of gold from the sun

And richness of blue sparkling brooks

Tell me which is better?

Breathe into the sweetness without looking

And feel the innocence of young blossoms

And understand the difference 

Between vision and faith

Read the silence

And blind out the bitter words

Watch how the souls communicate

And distance is just a measure 

Of numbers

That don’t matter

Mirror only tells what you can see

Try not to see

Just an image

Bring out the fire

That moulds

And not burns

Because scalds and bruises only surface

When you let them

Enlightenment might come from

Hatred itself

Teach yourself things you cannot see

Absorb radiance 

Spread fragrant thoughts

As the lines between the two worlds are very faint

And we have roots in both

Wisdom will cure

Breach the years between you

And what you can fathom

Make it happen now


Shed the false cover

Float into nothingness

Humble down your arguments about truth

You are the truth

Your are the same

But not as your image

But as your reflection in others

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