how could you blame me?
do you not know me anymore?
not my heart?
not at all?
my heart that carried your secrets,
like the vastness of sea,
carrying pearls hidden in shells,
and in the deep of its blue water,
lies the warmth,
wave by wave,
washed at the shore,
taking back a little,
giving a little,
this sharing and exchanging,
keeps on going,
but your memory is too short,
too short to notice,
too short to acknowledge,
the exotic ways…
i kept you thriving,
and excited,
and momentous,
so you could build like a wave,
immense and mighty,
and colossal,
and then slowly,
i taught you to be gentle,
to learn to crash,
to be humble,
to bow down,
to surrender,
to exhale,
to give,
to impart goodwill,
why have you forgotten?
all the lessons,
of submission,
of humility,
of commitment,
where is your unpretentious self?
which knew no conceit,
no arrogance,
lets stride you across the lanes,
of bits and pieces,
of hazy recollections,
reviving the glory,
hidden in those moments,
moments of self recognition,
meet yourself,
as in- meet me,
when one from the other,
was hardly distinguishable,
when the seasons,
of hope and joy,
would welcome you,
let you reside,
in every pore,
capturing the beats,
of the very heart,
that you now find no use of,
the very heart,
that knows no boundaries,
it is limitless,
and insane,
and jealously possessive,
it knows no ways of masking,
what i elegantly flaunt,
as a lover’s wish,
a prayer at the doorsteps of denial,
hope that is whispered,
with every sigh,
that you may live,
with ambition,
that the emptiness,
which crawls up and consumes,
making you inconspicuous,
that you may have,
of what is concealed and pure,
and that is visible,
a desire,
that faith may find you,
rest assured,
I am forgoing all that was,
and all that is..