A Lil’ Nipper In Me.


wide eyed and artless,

as a fawn in wilderness,

I miss the skills of enshrouding,

the warmth and ardour that emanates,

unwillingly I flow into ethereal currents of faith and reliance,

I may not recognize my deep nestled ambition,

only that I reach out for arcs of colours in the skies,

and promises of beguiling cosmos,

my gullible tendencies appall a few,

as I unchain myself,

of delusive orthodox criterion,

I gather my being as the world melts away,

and fly into deep lyrical rhythms,

simple symphonies of existence…

As The Maiden Yearns


soft enamoured breath,
delicate slender fiingers,
sunkissed tendrils ,
that swing around the angelic face,
rests by the window,
a soul unaccompanied,
in her sighs lie concealed,
the yearning,
of a departed mate,
wakeful she stays ,
in starry nights,
and when the moon’s illuminated,
serene slumbers ,
are gone with her beloved,
she begs to the lord,
as her bruised bossom,
is filled with woe,
to be with his knight,
to be carried by the wind,
to his world,
she would play her harp,
so sadly melodious,
that strangers would weep,
none knew  ,
tis’ pretty fair dame,
was fading,
and sinking in vales of lament,
and off she flew,
one day,
like a dandelion,
to a distant,
but familiar territory,
her darling’s abode,
where all lost souls meet,
never again ,
would she mourn,
or shed a tear,
for her heart ,
is filled with unspeakable pleasure …



dew drops
in the cups of desire
ignite rage
furiously drawing vitality
summoning life
in a perishing emptiness
hauntingly adhere
enkindling the corona of ardour
rejoicing frenzied thirst
locked and entangled
in sweet knots
mesmerised and betrayed into submission
longing to be a captive
a slave
of insatiable ache

Off The Rack…


Off the rack ,
in the boxes ,
we tape and tie and seal,
long summer days,
tree houses,
mango smoothies,
school bus,
fat fairy tale books,
birthday bashes,
drifting milestones,
badminton,jymnastics and karate,
chaotic day dreams,
sweet sixteen and a sweet lot,
exams and med school,
wild rovers and chocolates,
loud music,
drizzles and rain dance,
ducks,pigeons,parrots and cats,
sketches and poems,
full moons and sun sets,

“off the rack” & in the boxes….

A Sullen Winter


In the creases of the black velvet,

As it grows cold,

The night spreads the arms,

Never really sure ,

If the rain would come…

Thoughts are a riot,

They storm and pour,

Stepping down the ladders,

Of reason and truth,

Excuses to go on,

Promises of a sunshine…

Tell me not to worry,

In a frosted glass house ,

Tell me I can dream..

For these stubborn grey clouds,

May roar and howl,

Tell me you can charm,

The lil’ glum beads,

To kiss and wash away,

A sullen winter…

Madness in form of a reform


The aim to live well and strive to live , one unfolds the philosophy of happiness and the other peace . One requires controlling passion and the other to kill emotions . To be happy is to have more than the rational mind can concieve and to be at peace there has to be a compromise with life. There is no mystery to God’s will , what’s required is the understanding of the human society towards the greater plan.It is acceptable to not know the answers , but to stop questioning is distraction from sanity.Does the shame and fear to know more than it is required put a halt to progression ? Does progression fall in sync with happiness?
There can be more theories than we can possibly think but only one solution to achieve what the brain craves , it is to know the difference between knowing things as they actually are or as they seem to be .
The incorrectly drived motivation towards an illusion can ruin the basic concepts .To live in a frenzy of confused emotions and pure lunacy is pure innocence of a drooling child but to impose it with the awareness of a scholar is a crime.There must be checks and balances , a line that could be defined for a movement , to carry out the madness in form of a reform.It is our duty to smoothen a very cornered path , a textured morality which is deeply shaded from the common eye.To use the principles of wisdom on war footing and make it acceptable for a larger audience.To let the disoriented vision fall clear of all blinders and connect with the supereme being . Connect with faith and mission , with decisiveness and discipline of thought.
The art of self control and substitution of obedience can turn the crispness into polite subservience. The willingness to serve the purpose of divine rule , accepting sycophancy and waiting to be rewarded . The reward being obscure and to understand that it will be delivered.
Unfolding the true theology and investing a firm trust in it’s integrity

Chapter Closed


The light’s too dim,

Door’s locked,

Voices fade away,

I erase you out of my book,

The book of the lost,

Page by page,

Every smile,

Every frown,

Blocking out the youth,

The thoughts that mattered,

Breaking away the unspoken agreement,

You took away , what was yours,

In huge chunks,

You took me away too,

I may not start another book,

It is indeed , a “chapter closed”



Pale is thy cheek ,

weary are thy eyes,

thou hast carried woe as yer child,

kept it hidden,

misery as yer friend,

agonies yer biography,

truth would decorate thee ,

like a garland in yer soft grey locks,

for yer beauty lies in knowledge,

of years of wisdom,

wrinkled be thy skin,

it holds the folds of life stacked together,

of age ye hast come,

leaving back the vigour,

the youth,

time hath shown signs unto you,

the hands that shooketh not ,

now art frail and shaky,

thou art the pearl of the sea ,

with elegance has time moulded you,

into a jewel ,

O! lady , O! mother,

these hands soothed the warm forehead,

with fever and pain when it suffered,

strengthened and fed the youth,

taught and groomed ,

and let go off,

alone again in thy nest ye rest now ,

with memories ,

treasured and kept precious ,

in the heart that hast stayed young



Dangling at the edge of the day
Bright and warm
The sun drops down
Crimsons and yellows
Slowly slipping away
Into dust
Into haze
The sky is all liquid with agony
The colours melting and merging
Strokes of raptured symphony
Sung melodiously
The soul of the day drowned
Into dark leaping oceans of dread
Wrapped under the sheet of clouds
Golden edged
Baked and ripe
Scarlet dreams spill forth
When the two meet
Hand in hand



A soft whisper,
On the wings of the wind,
Like daisies and lilies and marigold,
Like rain melting the clouds,
Or a distant lark,
My soul shall taste the beauty,
Of rosy hue,
And drowsy numbness,
That thou cast upon me,
A spell so rich,
So warm,
To maketh my heart swell,
In mad pursuit,
In a trance I followeth thee,
Ye are but a sweet melody,
For a feverish heart in desire